현천 소동패 놀이
현천 소동패 놀이
소동패놀이는 옛날부터 남도지방에서 전해지고 있던 공동작업을 할 때에 조직적으로 농악, 노래, 춤 등을 하여 농사일의 고됨과 단조로움을 없애 작업의 능률을 올리기 위하여 농민들의 지혜가 결집된 생산적 민속예술이다.
1980년 제11회 남도문화재(광주)에서 최고상을 수상하고 또 1981년 전국민속예술경연대회(인천)에서 종합 최고상인 대통령상을 수상하였다.
* Hyonchon village children group folk playing game :
Intangible cultural asset No. 7
Children group folk game was designed to help one another with their cooperative harvest work during the busiest season. This game is vary productive folk game.
It shows the farmer's wisdom, since this can increase farm- work productivity by easing their boredom and hardship by
means of working together.
It is accompanied by farmer's music and the folk dance. Perhaps first of all, this promotes the spirit of autonomy and
cooperation among the community.
This game won the First Prize in the 11th Southern province cultural festival in 1980 and the presidential prize in the 22th National Folk Art competition in 1981.
* 玄川 小童組遊び 地方無形文化財第7號
小童組は 昔から 南道地方で ひろく傳えられていた 共同作業を するとき 組織した 農樂, 歌, 踊等で 農業の 苦勞と 單調さを なくして 作業の能率を あげるために 農民たちが うたった うたで 農民達の 知惠が 結集した 生産的 民俗藝術である.
1980年 第11回南道文化祭(光州)で 最高賞を 受賞. 又 1981年全國民俗藝術競演大會(仁川)で 綜合最高賞である 大統領賞を 受賞した.
* 玄川 小童組遊戱 地方無形文化財第7號